Buying old furniture means encountering wild stories and beautiful gems every day. Here's just a few of them.
Melmac: How one 1950s plastic changed the way Americans ate.
We've got tons of old photographs in a big bin, but why?
Chemistry Labs: The Rise & Fall
Siphons, Seltzer, and Soda: A Spritzy History
Art Deco & The Past, Present, and Future of Design
Doomed from the Start: Freedomland USA, Bronx NY
Mid-Century Modern, American Style: A Heywood-Wakefield History
The Shipworker – Brooklyn's Essential Workers through History
The Art of Dressmaking: Is it Coming Back?
Cobalt Blue Glass: Through the Ages
The Bicentennial Millennial – Colonial Eagle Decor
Yesterday's News is in the 21st Century (Finally)
Cinco De Mayo: Time for Fiesta(ware)!
A Brief History of Wargames: Vintage Game Magazines
A Picker's Dream: Our Plainfield, NJ Warehouse Adventure
Mapping Old New York: David H. Burr's Famous Topography